My name is Bonnie and I am a boxer.
More specifically, I am a female boxer.
To those who may not know, these two things together are somewhat rare. Throw in the fact that I am 28 years old and decided to pick up boxing at age 26 with no sports experience at all, even within the boxing world, this makes me somewhat of an anomaly.
How did such a level-headed (on the surface at least) and sane (to those who don't know me well) girl decide to suddenly pick up a seemingly violent and dangerous sport such as boxing, going as far as to WILLINGLY put herself in line to be punched in the face after exactly 0 years of ever playing any sports?! Well, it started when I stepped on a scale and realized my weight was getting scarily close to 200 pounds. I knew something had to be done, so I joined a gym near my house in Rexdale, Fitness 365, where I quickly discovered one thing - I hated working out. I was at a loss when I noticed in the aerobics room a very fit black man yelling at a large group of people hitting a bag and every one of them was sweating, and more importantly, having fun. This is what I wanted.
I met Horace Hunter, the instructor (the aforementioned fit black man) and for a couple of months I was quite happy taking the boxercise classes offered for free through the gym. I lost about 15 lbs and I felt great. But I noticed before and after the classes Horace would always have people in doing a different workout and every day spending time hitting pads and getting instruction from him. I inquired what the deal was and he told me that he trains professional and amateur boxers for competition outside of class time. The workouts were geared more towards technique and boxing knowledge than just a simple boxercise class. I told him immediately I wanted to do this as I love learning new skills, but it would be based on a few simple things.
1. I would not get hit by anyone
2. I would not spar
3. I will never compete.
All of these rules went out the window within 3 months of training. I had simply been doing boxing for technique and fitness when Horace invited me to come watch one of the guys he trains fight. This guy had been away from the ring for almost 2 years but had started training with Horace recently and had decided to get back in. I went to watch my "teammate" fight in the main event of the show and as I watched him walk through the roaring crowd, raise his arm as his name was introduced, confer with Horace in the corner and ultimately battle his heart out for those 3 rounds, I knew I was done. I had to try it. I had to know what that feeling was like. I called Horace after the show and told him my decision. "Shocked" would be an apt description, especially after he told me after my first fight that he had never considered me a serious contender, I was just "some girl in my boxercise class who said she wanted to learn to box", he thought I would quit within the first month.
So that was it, decision made. My first fight was 6 months later, which I won. Two years from my first fight I now have 23 fights at 150 lbs and along the way have proved everyone from my coach to my family to myself wrong. Myself probably more than anyone. I am capable of standing toe-to-toe in a boxing ring with the best in the world and have complete confidence in myself and my ability. I am strong. I am smart. I am healthy.
I am a boxer.
Hey Bonnie! I just started boxing about a month ago and I'm not sure what compelled me to do but hell I did it, and I'm in love with it. I liked reading your story about it and your other blog posts! keep up the good work. I'll be rooting for you. -Gabby